%config InlineBackend.rc = {'figure.figsize': (10,6)}
%matplotlib inline

Poisson equation with scikit-fem

This example solves the Poisson problem using scikit-fem using data generated by Nanomesh. We solve the Poisson problem \(-\Delta u = 1\) with the boundary condition \(u=0\).

This an adaptation of example 1.

import numpy as np
from skimage.morphology import disk
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

H, L = 200, 200
Hmid = int(H/2)
Lmid = int(L/2)
r = 60

data = np.zeros((H, L))
data[Hmid-r: Hmid+1+r, Lmid-r:Lmid+1+r] += disk(r)

<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x1ea647d63d0>

Generate a triangle mesh using Nanomesh.Mesher. The triangles that don’t belong to the circle are removed.

from nanomesh import Mesher

mesher = Mesher(data)
mesher.generate_contour(max_edge_dist=10, precision=5)
mesh = mesher.triangulate(opts='q30a100')
triangles = mesh.get('triangle')
triangles.remove_cells(label=1, key='physical')

<AxesSubplot:title={'center':'triangle mesh'}>

Converting to a scikit-fem mesh type

Converting to skfem data types is straightforward. Note that the points and cells arrays must be transposed.

from skfem import MeshTri

p = triangles.points.T
t = triangles.cells.T

m = MeshTri(p, t)

Setting up and solving the PDE

The following code was re-used from here.

from skfem import *
from skfem.helpers import dot, grad

e = ElementTriP1()

basis = Basis(m, e)

# this method could also be imported from skfem.models.laplace
def laplace(u, v, _):
    return dot(grad(u), grad(v))

# this method could also be imported from skfem.models.unit_load
def rhs(v, _):
    return 1.0 * v

A = asm(laplace, basis)
b = asm(rhs, basis)
# or:
# A = laplace.assemble(basis)
# b = rhs.assemble(basis)

# enforce Dirichlet boundary conditions
A, b = enforce(A, b, D=m.boundary_nodes())

# solve -- can be anything that takes a sparse matrix and a right-hand side
x = solve(A, b)
Initializing CellBasis(MeshTri1, ElementTriP1)
Initializing finished.
Assembling 'laplace'.
Assembling finished.
Assembling 'rhs'.
Assembling finished.
Solving linear system, shape=(96, 96).
Solving done.

Visualize the result

The result can be visualized using matplotlib.

def visualize():
    from skfem.visuals.matplotlib import plot
    return plot(m, x, shading='gouraud', colorbar=True)


Discontinuous Galerkin

The next cells show how the same problem can be approached using the Discontinuous Galerkin method.

This is an adaptation of example 7.

The next cell sets up the data as before, this time using the blobs data set.

import numpy as np
from skimage.morphology import disk
from nanomesh.data import binary_blobs2d

data = binary_blobs2d(length=100, seed=96)

from nanomesh import Mesher

mesher = Mesher(data)
mesher.generate_contour(max_edge_dist=3, precision=1)
mesh = mesher.triangulate(opts='q30a25')
triangles = mesh.get('triangle')
triangles.remove_cells(label=2, key='physical')

p = triangles.points.T
t = triangles.cells.T

m = MeshTri(p, t)

Setting up and solving the PDE #2

The source-code was re-used from here.

from skfem import *
from skfem.helpers import grad, dot, jump
from skfem.models.poisson import laplace, unit_load

e = ElementTriDG(ElementTriP4())
alpha = 1e-3

ib = Basis(m, e)
bb = FacetBasis(m, e)
fb = [InteriorFacetBasis(m, e, side=i) for i in [0, 1]]

def dgform(u, v, p):
    ju, jv = jump(p, u, v)
    h = p.h
    n = p.n
    return ju * jv / (alpha * h) - dot(grad(u), n) * jv - dot(grad(v), n) * ju

def nitscheform(u, v, p):
    h = p.h
    n = p.n
    return u * v / (alpha * h) - dot(grad(u), n) * v - dot(grad(v), n) * u

A = asm(laplace, ib)
B = asm(dgform, fb, fb)
C = asm(nitscheform, bb)
b = asm(unit_load, ib)

x = solve(A + B + C, b)

M, X = ib.refinterp(x, 4)
Initializing CellBasis(MeshTri1, ElementDG)
Initializing finished.
Initializing BoundaryFacetBasis(MeshTri1, ElementDG)
Initializing finished.
Initializing InteriorFacetBasis(MeshTri1, ElementDG)
Initializing finished.
Initializing InteriorFacetBasis(MeshTri1, ElementDG)
Initializing finished.
Assembling 'laplace'.
Assembling finished.
Assembling 'dgform'.
Assembling finished.
Assembling 'nitscheform'.
Assembling finished.
Assembling 'unit_load'.
Assembling finished.
Solving linear system, shape=(9225, 9225).
Solving done.

Visualize the result #2

def visualize():
    from skfem.visuals.matplotlib import plot, draw
    ax = draw(M, boundaries_only=True)
    return plot(M, X, shading="gouraud", ax=ax, colorbar=True)


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