Development Notes

Development Installation

Nanomesh does not have any hard version constraints. For development, it is still useful to have a consistent environment.

Therefore, Nanomesh uses a constraints file (constraints.txt) which pins the version requirements.

The constraints are automatically updated and tested every month.

Note that there is a Github action to update and test the dependencies every month.

In case you run into issues, you may also try to install Nanomesh with constraints file.

Install Nanomesh using the development dependencies:

conda create -n nanomesh-dev python=3.8
conda activate nanomesh-dev

pip install -e .[develop] -c constraints.txt

Running the tests using pytest:


To check coverage:

coverage -m run pytest
coverage report  # terminal
coverage html    # html report

Linting and checks are done using pre-commit:


Building the docs:

make html --directory docs

Testing notebooks

  1. Install nanomesh kernel

    python -m ipykernel install --user --name nanomesh
  2. Test notebooks

    cd notebooks
    pip install -r requirements.txt

    On Windows:


    On Linux/Mac:

    bash ./

Making a release

  1. Bump the version (major/minor/patch as needed)

    bumpversion minor
  2. Make a new release. The github action to publish to pypi is triggered when a release is published.

Updating constraints.txt

  1. On Windows:
    • In a new environment

pip freeze --exclude nanomesh > constraints.txt
  1. On Linux:
    • In a new environment

    • Using the produced constraints.txt file

pip install -e .[develop] -c constraints.txt
pip freeze --exclude nanomesh >> constraints.txt
sort --ignore-case constraints.txt | uniq > constraints_tmp.txt
mv constraints_tmp.txt constraints.txt

Updating pre-commit

pre-commit autoupdate

Fixes for errors

If you get an error with pytest, like:

 from import shellcon, shell
E   ImportError: DLL load failed while importing shell: The specified procedure could not be found.
ImportError: DLL load failed while importing shell: The specified procedure could not be found.


conda install -c conda-forge pywin32