Source code for nanomesh.plotting._meshplot

from __future__ import annotations

import re
from collections import abc
from itertools import cycle
from typing import (TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List,
                    Optional, Sequence, Tuple)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from .._doc import copy_func, doc

    from nanomesh import LineMesh, MeshContainer, TriangleMesh

def _get_color_cycle(colors) -> cycle:
    """Get default matplotlib color cycle.

        Cycles through color strings in hex format (#XXXXXX).
    if not colors:
        colors = plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color']

    return cycle(colors)

def _get_point(mesh, label: int, method: str = 'mean') -> Tuple[float, float]:
    """Pick middle point from mesh matching default key.

    mesh : Mesh
        Input mesh
    label : int
        Input label

    Tuple[float, float]
        (x, y) point
    idx = (mesh.cell_data[mesh.default_key] == label)
    cells = mesh.cells[idx]
    points = mesh.points[np.unique(cells)]

    if method == 'middle':
        return points[len(points) // 2]  # take middle point as anchor
        return points.mean(axis=0)

def _annotate(ax: plt.Axes,
              name: str,
              xy: Tuple[float, float],
              flip_xy: bool = True):
    """Annotate point on axis.

    ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
        Matplotlib axes
    name : str
        Annotation text
    xy : Tuple[float, float]
        The point (x, y) to annotate
    flip_xy : bool, optional
        If true, (x,y) -> (y,x)

    if flip_xy:
        xy = xy[::-1]

                textcoords='offset pixels',
                xytext=(4, 4),

def _deduplicate_labels(
    handles_labels: Tuple[List[Any],
                          List[str]]) -> Tuple[List[Any], List[str]]:
    """Deduplicate legend handles and labels.

    handles_labels : Tuple[List[Any], List[str]]
        Legend handles and labels.

    (new_handles, new_labels) : Tuple[List[Any], List[str]]
        Deduplicated legend handles and labels
    new_handles = []
    new_labels = []

    for handle, label in zip(*handles_labels):
        if label not in new_labels:

    return (new_handles, new_labels)

def _legend_with_triplot_fix(ax: plt.Axes, **kwargs):
    """Add legend for triplot with fix that avoids duplicate labels.

    ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
        Matplotlib axes to apply legend to.
        These parameters are passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.legend`.

    handles_labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()

    new_handles_labels = _deduplicate_labels(handles_labels)

    return ax.legend(*new_handles_labels, **kwargs)

def _legend_with_field_names_only(ax: plt.Axes,
                                  triplot_fix: bool = False,
    """Add legend with named fields only.

    ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
        Matplotlib axes to apply legend to.
        These parameters are passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.legend`.

    handles_labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()

    new_handles = []
    new_labels = []

    for handle, label in zip(*handles_labels):
        except ValueError:

    new_handles_labels = (new_handles, new_labels)

    if triplot_fix:
        new_handles_labels = _deduplicate_labels(new_handles_labels)

    return ax.legend(*new_handles_labels, **kwargs)

def _legend(ax: plt.Axes, title: str, triplot_fix: bool = False):
    """Wrapper around ax.legend with dispatch for fix.

    ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
        Matplotlib axes object
    title : str
        Legend title
    triplot_fix : bool, optional
        If true, apply fix for triplot.
    if triplot_fix:
        return _legend_with_triplot_fix(ax, title=title)
        return ax.legend(title=title)

     description='Shallow interface to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.triplot`')
def triplot(ax: plt.Axes, **kwargs):
    """Plot collection of {cell_type}s.


    ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
    x : (n, 1) numpy.ndarray
        x-coordinates of points.
    y : (n, 1) numpy.ndarray
        y-coordinates of points.
    cells : (m, {cell_dim}) numpy.ndarray
        Integer array describing the {cell_type}s.
    mask : (m, 1) numpy.ndarray, optional
        Mask for {cell_type}s.
    label : str, optional
        Label for legend.
        Extra keywords arguments passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`

    list of :class:`matplotlib.lines.Line2D`
        A list of lines representing the {cell_type}s and nodes.
    x = kwargs.pop('x')
    y = kwargs.pop('y')
    kwargs['triangles'] = kwargs.pop('cells')
    return ax.triplot(x, y, **kwargs)

[docs]@doc(triplot, cell_type='line segment', cell_dim=3, description='API mimicks :func:`triplot`') def lineplot(ax: plt.Axes, *, x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, cells: np.ndarray, mask: np.ndarray = None, label: str = None, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('marker', '.') kwargs.setdefault('markersize', 1) if mask is not None: cells = cells[~mask.squeeze()] if np.issubdtype(x.dtype, np.integer): x = x.astype(float) if np.issubdtype(y.dtype, np.integer): y = y.astype(float) lines_x = np.insert(x[cells], 2, np.nan, axis=1) lines_y = np.insert(y[cells], 2, np.nan, axis=1) return ax.plot(lines_x.ravel(), lines_y.ravel(), label=label, **kwargs)
[docs]def meshplot(mesh: LineMesh | TriangleMesh, ax: plt.Axes = None, key: str = None, legend: str = 'fields', show_labels: Optional[Iterable | str | int] = None, hide_labels: Optional[Iterable | str | int] = None, show_region_markers: bool = True, colors: Sequence[str] = None, color_map: Dict[str | int, str] = None, flip_xy: bool = True, **kwargs) -> plt.Axes: """Plot a :class:`nanomesh.TriangleMesh` or :class:`nanomesh.LineMesh` using :mod:`matplotlib`. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional Axes to use for plotting. key : str, optional Label of cell data item to plot, defaults to :attr:`nanomesh.LineMesh.default_key` or :attr:`nanomesh.TriangleMEsh.default_key`. legend : str Style for the legend. - off : No legend - all : Create legend with all labels - fields : Create legend with field names only - floating : Add floating labels to plot show_labels : Iterable | str | int List of labels or field names of cell data to show. A single label to show can also be specified directly by its name or number. hide_labels : Iterable | str | int List of labels or field names of cell data to hide. A single label to hide can also be specified directly by its name or number. show_region_markers : bool, default True If True, show region markers on the plot colors : Sequence[str] List of colors to cycle through color_map : dict Mapping of labels or field names to colors. flip_xy : bool, optional Flip x/y coordinates. This is sometimes necessary to combine the plot with other plots. **kwargs These parameters are passed to :func:`lineplot` or :func:`triplot`. Returns ------- matplotlib.axes.Axes """ dispatch: Dict[str, Callable] = { 'line': lineplot, 'triangle': triplot, } plotting_func = dispatch[mesh.cell_type] key = key if key else mesh.default_key # cell_data = mesh.cell_data.get(key, mesh.zero_labels) # type: ignore cell_data_vals = np.unique(cell_data).astype(int) if show_labels: if isinstance(show_labels, int): labels_to_show = {show_labels} elif isinstance(show_labels, str): pattern = show_labels fields_to_show = { field for field in mesh.fields if re.match(pattern, field) } labels_to_show = {mesh.fields[field] for field in fields_to_show} elif isinstance(show_labels, abc.Iterable): labels_to_show = { mesh.fields.get(label, label) # type: ignore for label in show_labels } else: labels_to_show = {*cell_data_vals} if hide_labels: if isinstance(hide_labels, int): labels_to_show -= {hide_labels} elif isinstance(hide_labels, str): pattern = hide_labels fields_to_hide = { field for field in mesh.fields if re.match(pattern, field) } labels_to_show -= {mesh.fields[field] for field in fields_to_hide} elif isinstance(hide_labels, abc.Iterable): labels_to_show -= { mesh.fields.get(label, label) # type: ignore for label in hide_labels } if not ax: fig, ax = plt.subplots() color_cycle = _get_color_cycle(colors) color_map = color_map if color_map else {} vert_x, vert_y = mesh.points.T if flip_xy: vert_x, vert_y = vert_y, vert_x for cell_data_val in np.unique(cell_data): name = mesh.number_to_field.get(cell_data_val, cell_data_val) if cell_data_val not in labels_to_show: continue color = color_map.get(name, next(color_cycle)) plotting_func( ax=ax, x=vert_x, y=vert_y, cells=mesh.cells, mask=cell_data != cell_data_val, label=name, color=color, **kwargs, ) if legend == 'floating': method = 'middle' if mesh.cell_type == 'triangle' else 'mean' xy = _get_point(mesh, cell_data_val, method=method) _annotate(ax, name, xy, flip_xy=flip_xy) if show_region_markers and mesh.region_markers: mark_x, mark_y = np.array([m.point for m in mesh.region_markers]).T ax.scatter(mark_y, mark_x, marker='*', color='red', label='Region markers') for marker in mesh.region_markers: label = if else marker.label ax.annotate(label, marker.point[::-1], textcoords='offset pixels', xytext=(4, -4), color='red', va='top') ax.set_title(f'{mesh.cell_type} mesh') ax.axis('equal') # prevent double entries in legend for triangles triplot_fix = (mesh.cell_type == 'triangle') if legend == 'all': _legend(ax=ax, title=key, triplot_fix=triplot_fix) elif legend == 'fields': _legend_with_field_names_only(ax=ax, title=key, triplot_fix=triplot_fix) # force consistent orientation y0, y1 = ax.get_ylim() if y0 < y1: ax.set_ylim(y1, y0) return ax
trianglemeshplot = copy_func(meshplot) trianglemeshplot.__doc__ = """Alias for :func:`meshplot`.""" linemeshplot = copy_func(meshplot) linemeshplot.__doc__ = """Alias for :func:`meshplot`."""
[docs]def linetrianglemeshplot(mesh: MeshContainer, **kwargs) -> Tuple[plt.Axes, plt.Axes]: """Plot line/triangle mesh together. Parameters ---------- mesh : MeshContainer Input mesh containing line and triangle cells. **kwargs Extra keyword arguments passed to - :func:`linemeshplot` - :func:`trianglemeshplot` Returns ------- Tuple(matplotlib.axes.Axes, matplotlib.axes.Axes) Tuple of matplotlib axes """ fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(ncols=2) line_mesh = mesh.get('line') linemeshplot(line_mesh, ax=ax1, **kwargs) triangle_mesh = mesh.get('triangle') trianglemeshplot(triangle_mesh, ax=ax2, **kwargs) return ax1, ax2
[docs]def pointsplot(mesh: MeshContainer, key: str = None, ax: plt.Axes = None, **kwargs) -> plt.Axes: """Plot mesh points. Parameters ---------- mesh : MeshContainer Input mesh key : str, optional Key of the point data to use for coloring ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional Axes to use for plotting. **kwargs : These parameters are passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.scatter` Returns ------- matplotlib.axes.Axes """ if key: colors = mesh.point_data[key] else: colors = None if not ax: fig, ax = plt.subplots() points = mesh.points x, y = points.T ax.scatter(y, x, c=colors, **kwargs) ax.set_title('Points plot') ax.axis('equal') return ax