Source code for nanomesh.metrics

"""Module to compute cell quality metrics."""

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Callable, Optional, Tuple

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from .mesh import Mesh

[docs]class Metric: """Factory function for metrics using :mod:`pyvista`. Parameters ---------- metric : str Metric to calculate. For a full list, see :meth:`pyvista.DataSet.compute_cell_quality`. """ def __init__(self, metric: str): super().__init__() self.metric = metric def __call__(self, mesh: Mesh) -> np.ndarray: grid = mesh.to_pyvista_unstructured_grid() ret = grid.compute_cell_quality(self.metric) quality = ret.cell_data['CellQuality'] return np.array(quality)
# Functions are available, but give undefined values # aspect_beta = Metric('aspect_beta') # aspect_gamma = Metric('aspect_gamma') # collapse_ratio = Metric('collapse_ratio') # diagonal = Metric('diagonal') # dimension = Metric('dimension') # distortion = Metric('distortion') # jacobian = Metric('jacobian') # max_aspect_frobenius = Metric('max_aspect_frobenius') # max_edge_ratio = Metric('max_edge_ratio') # med_aspect_frobenius = Metric('med_aspect_frobenius') # oddy = Metric('oddy') # shear = Metric('shear') # shear_and_size = Metric('shear_and_size') # skew = Metric('skew') # stretch = Metric('stretch') # taper = Metric('taper') # volume = Metric('volume') # warpage = Metric('warpage') area = Metric('area') aspect_frobenius = Metric('aspect_frobenius') aspect_ratio = Metric('aspect_ratio') condition = Metric('condition') distortion = Metric('distortion') max_angle = Metric('max_angle') min_angle = Metric('min_angle') radius_ratio = Metric('radius_ratio') relative_size_squared = Metric('relative_size_squared') scaled_jacobian = Metric('scaled_jacobian') shape = Metric('shape') shape_and_size = Metric('shape_and_size')
[docs]def max_min_edge_ratio(mesh: Mesh) -> np.ndarray: """Place holder, updated dynamically.""" cell_points = mesh.points[mesh.cells] diff = cell_points - np.roll(cell_points, shift=1, axis=1) lengths = np.linalg.norm(diff, axis=2) return lengths.max(axis=1) / lengths.min(axis=1)
@dataclass class _MetricDescriptor: name: str description: str units: str func: Callable optimal: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None range: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None @property def label(self): """Return label with units.""" string = if units := self.units: string += f' ({units})' return string # # # _metric_dispatch = { 'area': _MetricDescriptor( name='Triangle area', description='Calculate the area of a triangle.', units='px^2', optimal=None, range=(0, np.inf), func=area, ), 'aspect_frobenius': _MetricDescriptor( name='Frobenius aspect', description=( 'Calculate the Frobenius condition number of the ' 'transformation matrix from an equilateral triangle to a triangle.' ), units='', optimal=None, range=None, func=aspect_frobenius, ), 'aspect_ratio': _MetricDescriptor( name='Aspect ratio', description='Calculate the aspect ratio of a triangle.', units='', optimal=None, range=None, func=aspect_ratio, ), 'condition': _MetricDescriptor( name='Condition number', description='Calculate the condition number of a triangle.', units='', optimal=(1, 1.3), range=(1, np.inf), func=condition, ), 'max_angle': _MetricDescriptor( name='Maximum angle', description=( 'Calculate the maximal (non-oriented) angle of a triangle.'), units='degrees', optimal=(60, 90), range=(60, 180), func=max_angle, ), 'min_angle': _MetricDescriptor( name='Minimum angle', description=( 'Calculate the minimal (non-oriented) angle of a triangle.'), units='degrees', optimal=(30, 60), range=(0, 60), func=min_angle, ), 'radius_ratio': _MetricDescriptor( name='Radius ratio', description=( 'Calculate the radius ratio of a triangle. The radius ratio of a ' 'triangle `t` is: `R/2r`, where `R` and `r` respectively ' 'denote the circumradius and the inradius of `t`.'), units='', optimal=(1.0, 2.0), range=(1, np.inf), func=radius_ratio, ), 'scaled_jacobian': _MetricDescriptor( name='Scaled Jacobian', description='Calculate the scaled Jacobian of a triangle.', units='', optimal=(0.2, 1.0), range=(-1, 1), func=scaled_jacobian, ), 'shape': _MetricDescriptor( name='Shape', description='Calculate the shape of a triangle.', units='', optimal=(0.25, 1.0), range=(0, 1), func=shape, ), 'relative_size_squared': _MetricDescriptor( name='Relative size', description='Calculate the square of the relative size of a triangle.', units='', optimal=(0.25, 1.0), range=(0, 1), func=relative_size_squared, ), 'shape_and_size': _MetricDescriptor( name='Shape and size', description=( 'Calculate the product of shape and relative size of a triangle.'), units='', optimal=(0.25, 1.0), range=(0, 1), func=shape_and_size, ), 'distortion': _MetricDescriptor( name='Distortion', description='Calculate the distortion of a triangle.', units='px^2', optimal=(0.6, 1.0), range=(0, 1), func=distortion, ), 'max_min_edge_ratio': _MetricDescriptor( name='Ratio max/min edge', description=('Calculate the ratio between the longest ' 'and shortest edge lengths of a triangle.'), units='', optimal=(1.0, 2.0), range=(1, np.inf), func=max_min_edge_ratio, ), } # patch docstrings for descriptor in _metric_dispatch.values(): descriptor.func.__doc__ = f"""{descriptor.description} Parameters ---------- mesh : Mesh Input mesh Returns ------- quality : numpy.ndarray Array with cell qualities. """
[docs]def calculate_all_metrics(mesh: Mesh, inplace: bool = False) -> dict: """Calculate all available metrics. Parameters ---------- mesh : Mesh Input mesh inplace : bool, optional Updates the :attr:`Mesh.cell_data` attribute on the mesh with the metrics. Returns ------- metrics : dict Return a dict with all the metrics """ metrics = {} for metric, descriptor in _metric_dispatch.items(): quality = descriptor.func(mesh) # type: ignore metrics[metric] = quality if inplace: mesh.cell_data[metric] = quality return metrics
[docs]def histogram( mesh: Mesh, *, metric: str, ax: plt.Axes = None, **kwargs, ) -> plt.Axes: """Create a mesh plot with the cells are colored by the cell quality. Parameters ---------- mesh : Mesh Input mesh metric : str Metric to calculate. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes If specified, `ax` will be used to create the subplot. vmin, vmax : int, float Set the lower/upper boundary for the color value. cmap : str Set the color map. **kwargs Keyword arguments passed on to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.hist`. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes """ if not ax: fig, ax = plt.subplots() kwargs.setdefault('bins', 50) kwargs.setdefault('rwidth', 0.8) descriptor = _metric_dispatch[metric] quality = descriptor.func(mesh) # type: ignore n, bins, patches = ax.hist(quality, **kwargs) ax.set_title(f'Histogram of {}') if optimal_range := descriptor.optimal: ax.axvspan(*optimal_range, color='limegreen', zorder=0, alpha=0.1) xlabel = descriptor.label ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ylabel = 'probability' if kwargs.get('density') else 'frequency' ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) return ax
[docs]def plot2d( mesh: Mesh, *, metric: str, ax: plt.Axes = None, **kwargs, ) -> plt.Axes: """Create a mesh plot with the cells are colored by the cell quality. Parameters ---------- mesh : Mesh Input mesh metric : str Metric to calculate. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes If specified, `ax` will be used to create the subplot. vmin, vmax : int, float Set the lower/upper boundary for the color value. Defaults to the 1st and 99th percentile, respectively. cmap : str Set the color map. **kwargs Keyword arguments passed on to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.tripcolor`. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes """ if not ax: fig, ax = plt.subplots() descriptor = _metric_dispatch[metric] quality = descriptor.func(mesh) # type: ignore kwargs.setdefault('vmin', np.percentile(quality, 1)) kwargs.setdefault('vmax', np.percentile(quality, 99)) x = mesh.points[:, 0] y = mesh.points[:, 1] cells = mesh.cells tpc = ax.tripcolor(x, y, quality, triangles=cells, **kwargs) ax.figure.colorbar(tpc) ax.axis('scaled') ax.set_title(f'Triplot of {}') return ax
__all__ = [ 'Metric', 'area', 'aspect_frobenius', 'aspect_ratio', 'condition', 'distortion', 'max_angle', 'min_angle', 'radius_ratio', 'relative_size_squared', 'scaled_jacobian', 'shape', 'shape_and_size', 'max_min_edge_ratio', 'calculate_all_metrics', 'histogram', 'plot2d', ]