Source code for nanomesh.image._volume

import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np

from .._doc import doc
from ._image import Image
from ._plane import Plane

    from nanomesh import MeshContainer

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@doc(Image, prefix='Data class for working with 3D (volumetric) image data.', shape='(i,j,k) ') class Volume(Image, ndim=3):
[docs] def show_slice(self, **kwargs): """Show slice using :class:`nanomesh.image.SliceViewer`. Extra arguments are passed on. Parameters ---------- **kwargs These parameters are passed to :class:`nanomesh.image.SliceViewer` Returns ------- SliceViewer """ from ._utils import SliceViewer data = np.flip(self.image, axis=0) sv = SliceViewer(data, **kwargs) sv.interact() return sv
[docs] def plot(self, *args, **kwargs): """Shortcut for :meth:``.""" return*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def show(self, renderer: str = 'itkwidgets', **kwargs) -> None: """Show volume using `itkwidgets` or `ipyvolume`. Parameters ---------- renderer : str, optional Select renderer (`ipvolume`, `itkwidgets`) **kwargs These parameters are passed to :func:`itkwidgets.view` or :func:`ipyvolume.quickvolshow`. Raises ------ ValueError Raised if the renderer is unknown. """ if renderer in ('ipyvolume', 'ipv'): import ipyvolume as ipv return ipv.quickvolshow(self.image, **kwargs) elif renderer in ('itkwidgets', 'itk', 'itkw'): import itkwidgets as itkw return itkw.view(self.image) else: raise ValueError(f'No such renderer: {renderer!r}')
[docs] def generate_mesh(self, **kwargs) -> 'MeshContainer': """Generate mesh from binary (segmented) image. Parameters ---------- **kwargs: These parameters are passed to `mesh3d.volume2mesh` Returns ------- MeshContainer Instance of :class:`MeshContainer` """ from nanomesh import volume2mesh return volume2mesh(image=self.image, **kwargs)
[docs] def select_plane(self, x: int = None, y: int = None, z: int = None) -> 'Plane': """Select a slice in the volume. Either `x`, `y` or `z` must be specified. Parameters ---------- x : int, optional Index along the x-axis y : int, optional Index along the y-axis z : int, optional Index along the z-axis Returns ------- Plane Return plane as :class:`Plane`. Raises ------ ValueError If none of the `x`, `y`, or `z` arguments have been specified """ index: Tuple[Union[int, slice], ...] if x is not None: index = np.s_[:, :, x] elif y is not None: index = np.s_[:, y, :] elif z is not None: index = np.s_[z, :, :] else: raise ValueError( 'One of the arguments `x`, `y`, or `z` must be specified.') array = self.image[index] return Plane(array)
[docs] def select_subvolume(self, *, xs: tuple = None, ys: tuple = None, zs: tuple = None) -> 'Volume': """Select a subvolume from the current volume. Each range must include a start and stop value, for example: `vol.select_subvolume(xs=(10, 20))` is equivalent to: `vol.image[[:,:,10:20]` or `vol.select_subvolume(ys=(20, 25), zs=(40, 50))` is equivalent to: `vol.image[[40:50,20:25,:]` Parameters ---------- xs : tuple, optional Range to select along y-axis ys : tuple, optional Range to select along y-axis zs : tuple, optional Range to select along z-axis Returns ------- Volume Subvolume as :class:`Volume` """ default = slice(None) slices = tuple(slice(*r) if r else default for r in (zs, ys, xs)) array = self.image[slices] return Volume(array)