Source code for nanomesh._tetgen_wrapper

from __future__ import annotations

import os
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Tuple

from ._doc import doc
from .region_markers import RegionMarkerList
from .utils import _to_opts_string

    from .mesh import TriangleMesh
    from .mesh_container import MeshContainer

def write_smesh(filename: os.PathLike,
                mesh: TriangleMesh,
                region_markers: RegionMarkerList = None):
    """Save a mesh to a `.smesh` format (Tetgen). http://wias-

    filename : os.PathLike
        Filename to save the data to.
    mesh : TriangleMesh
        Mesh data to be saved.
    region_markers : RegionMarkerList, optional
        Override region markers from input mesh.
    if region_markers is None:
        region_markers = mesh.region_markers

    path = Path(filename)
    with'w') as f:
        n_nodes, n_dim = mesh.points.shape
        n_attrs = 0
        node_markers = 0

        print(f'{n_nodes} {n_dim} {n_attrs} {node_markers}', file=f)

        node_fmt = '{:4d}' + ' {:8.2f}' * n_dim

        for i, node in enumerate(mesh.points):
            print(node_fmt.format(i + 1, *node), file=f)

        n_facets, n_corners = mesh.cells.shape
        facet_markers = 0

        print(f'{n_facets} {facet_markers}', file=f)

        facet_fmt = '{:4d}' + ' {:8d}' * n_corners

        for facet in mesh.cells + 1:  # tetgen uses 1-indexing
            print(facet_fmt.format(n_corners, *facet), file=f)

        # TODO, store holes in TriangleMesh?
        n_holes = 0
        hole_dim = 3

        print(f'{n_holes}', file=f)
        holes: Tuple[Any, ...] = ()

        hole_fmt = '{:4d}' + ' {:8.2f}' * hole_dim

        for i, hole in enumerate(holes):
            print(hole_fmt.format(i + 1, *hole), file=f)

        n_regions = len(region_markers)
        region_dim = 3

        print(f'{n_regions}', file=f)

        region_fmt = ('{:4d}' + ' {:8.2f}' * region_dim +
                      ' {label:8} {constraint:8}')

        for i, marker in enumerate(region_markers):
            constraint = marker.constraint if marker.constraint else ''
            print(region_fmt.format(i + 1,

def call_tetgen(fname: os.PathLike, opts: str = '-pAq'):
    """Call tetgen via subprocess.

    fname : os.PathLike
        Location of tetgen input file ('.smesh')
    opts : str
        Command-line options passed to `tetgen`.

        More info:

        Some useful flags:

        - `-A`: Assigns attributes to tetrahedra in different regions.
        - `-p`: Tetrahedralizes a piecewise linear complex (PLC).
        - `-q`: Refines mesh (to improve mesh quality).
        - `-a`: Applies a maximum tetrahedron volume constraint.
    import subprocess as sp['tetgen', opts, fname])

[docs]@doc(prefix='Tetrahedralize a surface mesh') def tetrahedralize(mesh: TriangleMesh, opts: str | dict = '-pAq', default_opts: dict = None) -> MeshContainer: """{prefix}. Parameters ---------- mesh : TriangleMesh Input contour mesh opts : str, optional Command-line options passed to `tetgen`. More info: Some useful flags: - `-A`: Assigns attributes to tetrahedra in different regions. - `-p`: Tetrahedralizes a piecewise linear complex (PLC). - `-q`: Refines mesh (to improve mesh quality). - `-a`: Applies a maximum tetrahedron volume constraint. Can be passed as a raw string, `opts='-pAq1.2', or dict, `opts=dict('p'= True, 'A'= True, 'q'=1.2)`. default_opts : dict, optional Dictionary with default options. These will be merged with `opts`. Returns ------- MeshContainer Tetrahedralized mesh. """ from .mesh_container import MeshContainer opts = _to_opts_string(opts, defaults=default_opts, prefix='-', sep=' ') with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp: path = Path(tmp, 'nanomesh.smesh') write_smesh(path, mesh) call_tetgen(path, opts) tetras ='.1.ele')) return MeshContainer(tetras.points, tetras.cells, cell_data=tetras.cell_data)